Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Commencement of Stage II

October 15,2008.

Considering the overwhelming response, and persistent requests to extend the deadline, we have decided that stage 2 will start at 21:00 hrs instead of 13:00 hrs as mentioned previously.

Team HR Strats.


Samir said...

when is stage two commencing, ...its already 2100hrs and im unable to login to the game ...

kindly help

sohilkalra said...

hii guys,
i am little confused as to hot to connect with people and add them to my friend list in HR Strats..

Any help????

MastishkHR said...

The stage 1 ended at 21:00 hrs.. After that we need to compile the database and do some calculations. Thats why we cannot immediately jump to the next stage. However it was uploaded after all these activities at 00:00 hrs on Oct. 16.

And Stage 1 is not elimination. You can always improve upon your performance in Stage 2.

Happy gaming.

I've got a theory that if you give 100 percent all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end.

-- Larry Bird