Friday, October 17, 2008

Game Over !!!!

Kindly note that the Game will go offline today i.e. October 17th, 2008 at 21:00 hrs.
The results will be compiled from the database and will be posted on the Blog soon.

Team HR Strats 2008.

“If past history was all there was to the game, the richest people would be librarians.”
- Warren Buffet.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Commencement of Stage II

October 15,2008.

Considering the overwhelming response, and persistent requests to extend the deadline, we have decided that stage 2 will start at 21:00 hrs instead of 13:00 hrs as mentioned previously.

Team HR Strats.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Clarification on Organisational Snapshot

Plz find the modified problem statement on the recruitment page.
The Stage I involves recruiting employees at your own discretion, in any ratio.
The organisational snapshot will be provided in Stage II, where this ratio has a greater role.
Stage II onwards the final calculations will be done considering a balanced organisational structure,
satisfaction , efficiency levels and of course your networking.

Gl Hf

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mastishk HR Strats 2008

Welcome to Mastishk HR Strategy Game.

HR is recognised as an important function in any organisation. The policies devised by HR department goes a long way in ensuring employee satisfaction, controlling attrition and increasing satisfaction among employees. The game is about the dilemmas faced by HRs of various organisations across the world.

Once you log into the game, you become the manager HR and are required to formulate policies. You are given the freedom to set various variables like welfare, training etc. An optimal combination of these, goes on towards maximising the overall satisfaction levels of employees.

You get to stratergise, allocate, control, plan and lead the HR division. Thus the game is a must for future managers.

Over the years, the game has been quite popular amongst B-School students and corporates alike.
The thrill of competing online with your buddies, coupled with decision making in real time scenario governed by market forces, adds to the popularity. Even attractive cash prizes for the winners make it a must play.

So gear up guys and gals, and login to to be a part of this gaming extravaganza.

GL (Good Luck)
HF (Have Fun)

Team HR , Mastishk.

Sujatha T 9322647149
Prashant Pandey 9833957540
Lalit Kureel 9930891455
Ankur Ahuja 9819832768
Vikas Yadav 9769279867